HumanUrban Net


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Knowledge production, discovery, and application

Data on the Top American Research Universities

Listing of Guggenheim recipients

Nobel Winners Archive

TRIZ Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

Pulitzer Prize Winners Archive

The MacArthur Foundation

Knowledge creation and technological innovation are often not planned. There is the serendipity factor. Ken Chowder's "Eureka!" (Smithsonian, Sept. 2003)

Joseph Rouse - What Are Cultural Studies of Scientific Knowledge? - Configurations 1:1

Encodings for transmission and decision-making processes; sorting and labeling

  • symbols and semeiotics
  • mathematics as a way of knowing: when do numbers speak louder than words?
  • the social parsings of space, time and temperature
    • Why does the United States refuse to go on the metric system?  The country was supposed to be measured in meters and kilos by 1980.  What happened?  Look at the venom the measures generate.  At we learn it is the source of many of the world's problems, including Starbucks coffee, rap music, Jerry Springer and government conspiracies! 
    • Of temperature, Daniel Boorstin observes in The Discoverers:
      "Others all over Europe were now beginning to speak the language of machines, parsing experience by novel grammars of measurements.  Familiar experience was transformed.  Nothing was more remarkable than the new way of thinking about heat and cold.  Hot and cold, dry and moist, were distinctions obvious to the touch.  According to the ancient Greeks, these qualities combined to make the earth, air, fire, and water of which the whole world was made.  Just as today we treat odors or tastes as different kinds rather than different quantities, so it then was, as we have seen, with temperature" (p. 369).
    • For a good story of the rise and fall of a new system for time reckoning, read about the French Thermidor 
  • matters of language translation: is it ever possible?
  • sociology of bureaucratic recordkeeping (e.g., Elizabeth Yakel's "The Social Construction of Accountability")
  • the disappearance of the art of shorthand
  • cryptography
  • An  interesting case study can be made of  U.S. intelligence attempts in the mid-1990s to force all of our computers to be equipped with the Clipper chip, an encryption chip that would allow law enforcement to decrypt all data passing through our systems.  A nice touch, revealed in released documents, obtained in 2001 through the Freedom of Information Act, was the proposal to share this technology with such close allies as China, Pakistan and Syria.
  • Yahoo's links to Codes, which includes links to the stories of the Navajo Code Talkers
  • StegoArchive.Com  "Steganography simply takes one piece of information and hides it within another. Computer files (images, sounds recordings, even disks) contain unused or insignificant areas of data. Steganography takes advantage of these areas, replacing them with information (encrypted mail, for instance). The files can then be exchanged without anyone knowing what really lies inside of them. An image of the space shuttle landing might contain a private letter to a friend. A recording of a short sentence might contain your company's plans for a secret new product."
  • Center for Social Informatics--involving "the body of research and study that examines social aspects of computerization -- including the roles of information technology in social and organizational change, the uses of information technologies in social contexts, and the ways that the social organization of information technologies is influenced by social forces and social practices."
  • National Cryptologic Museum
  • Translation strategy when conducting the European Social Survey

Knowledge transmission and dissemination

According to their 2000 "How Much Information?" study, a research team from the School of Information Management and Systems at the University of California at Berkeley estimates "the world's total yearly production of print, film, optical, and magnetic content would require roughly 1.5 billion gigabytes of storage. This is the equivalent of 250 megabytes per person for each man, woman, and child on earth."

  • where our knowledge comes from -- censorship; on being overhead; killing the bearer of bad news
  • disinformation
  • how transmission form shapes content
    -- implications of the speed of diffusion owing to technological innovation
  • implications of predicting natural and social disasters
  • in 2002, a group of scholars who had urged a boycott of expensive scientific journals formed the Public Library of Science
  • bumper stickers and bathroom stalls are among the few sites where common folk can make public their editorial comments
  • a social psychology of knowledge transmission: disclosure rules; persuasiveness (ethos, pathos, logos and social power)

Create Change: A resource for faculty and librarian action to reclaim scholarly communication

Origins of Writing class project of David F. Lancy's Utah State anthropology class

Dianne Tillotson's Medieval Writing

Clay Tablets - The Ancient Art of Writing

Storytelling: The Art of Knowledge develops the importance of sharing narratives in six Canadian Native communities

The History of Printing

KB7QOP's Morse Code Page

Forbes ASAP: Telecosm Archive

The Babbage Institute for Knowledge and Information Technology

Essays on Information Technology

Social and Economic Implications of Information Technologies: A Bibliographic Database Pilot Project (NSF)

Yahoo links on:Censorship and the Net

Know Your Enemies

Project Censored

Receptivity/sensoring and decoding/interpreting; feedback mechanisms

  • the social psychology of perceptual biases and distortions
  • information overloads and the perceptual biases of social groups: groupthink
  • the receptiveness of the "liberally educated"

Memetics Index

Paleography defined

Storage and Retrieval: Social memory systems

According to the University of California-Berkeley study "How Much Information? 2003," the quantity of new information produced in 2002 was five exabytes, equal in size to one-half million libraries each containing a quantity of digitized  information equal in size to the entire print collection in the Library of Congress!  Who decides how much of this information glut is worth preserving?  In what format is it best preserved to allow easy retrieval--and perhaps knowledge to be gleaned from it?  Other topics:

Conceptualizing decision-making units and processes: On how knowledge is put into use


Applications to Religion: Morality, Ethics and Pluralism

Religious knowledge has long been a favorite case study for practitioners of the sociology of knowledge. As a knowledge type, religion gives recipes for ways of making sense out of life's ultimate frustrations and existential dilemmas. As Durkheim observed in The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life "Religious conceptions have as their object, before anything else, to express and explain, not that which is exceptional and abnormal in things, but, on the contrary, that which is constant and regular."

Think about Americans' responses to the following question: Which of these statements comes closest to describing your feelings about the Bible?

  • The Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally, word for word.
  • The Bible is the inspired word of God but not everything in it should be taken literally, word for word.
  • The Bible is an ancient book of fables, legends, history, and moral precepts recorded by men.

Prediction time. What percent of Americans do you believe believe that the Bible is the word of God and should be taken literally? How would you believe this belief various across the spectrum of Christian faiths? Are strongly religious persons more or less likely to agree? What is the relationship between education and the likelihood of holding this belief? Ready? Click here to see the relationships.

Intriguing, no? It brings to mind the parallel between the Catholic doctrine of papal infallibility and the Protestants' position of scriptural inerrancy--both extreme matters of faith. As Robert Bellah observed, only in the West does belief in the sense of assent to the truth of specific dogmas been regarded as essential to faith.  Among the many possible research topics in the sociology of religious


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Regular Member:--Psyhosocial Counseling HUM

     Kapitalistička redistributivna  država blagostanja postala zastarela

   Informaciono društvo je nova tehnološka paradigma koja po Castellsu ukazuje da osnovna karakteristika sadašnjeg procesa tranzicije nije pomak od dobara ka servisima, kako su to Turen i Bell smatrali već pojava informacionog procesiranja koja jednako određuje efikasnost procesa proizvodnje, distribucije, potrošnje, menadžmenta. Sa prostornog stanovišta bitno je da tehnološka paradigma omogućuje organizacionu logiku koja je u velikoj meri besprostorna, odnosno lokacija gubi na značaju u odnosu na informacione mreže koje obezbeđuju simultanu povezanost finansijskih tržišta, profesionalnog rada i strateških saveza kapitala u svetskim razmerama. Iako se time eksplicitno ne bavi, očigledno je došlo do promene značaja koji pridaje svojoj teoriji kolektivne potrošnje čiji opseg važenja sada vezuje za period jakih programa države blagostanja. Time se ne menjaju bitne postavke njegovog pristupa u čijem fokusu je odnos urbanih protivrečnosti i procesa opšte društvene promene, dakle, teorija kolektivne potrošnje relevantna je za jednu od tranzicionih faza kapitalističkog načina proizvodnje. On smatra da je redistributivna država blagostanja postala zastarela, ne zato što je veoma skupa već da bi odgovorila potrebi investiranja u izmenjene infrastrukturne pretpostavke reprodukcije sistema. Intervencija države promenjena je usled promenjenih odnosa moći između kapitala i rada kao osnovnih socijalnih snaga, jer je nova tehnološka paradigma omogućila istovremeni porast produktivnosti i eksploatacije rada. Nukleus planiranja biznisa je pored analitike (statistika, predviđanje I dr.), pregovaranje. Najveći trik u pregovaranju je   priprema.
Najbitnije za dobre pregovore je to da skupite što više informacija o potrebama i htjenjima suprotne strane te po mogućnosti najniže zahteve.Ako to uradite imate 80% posla gotovo.

           Pregovaračke Veštine , Harvadska škola psihosocijalne - komunikologije              

U knjizi  kojom harvardski eksperti evaluiraju  projekat-- Škole pregovaranja , možete da vidite neke uobičajene ( pomalo već prevaziđene ) taktike , zato upoznajte kako vas drugi   mogu “pilotirati” u pregovorima .

    Veštinu možemo podeliti u tri   kategorije: Obmane , psihološki pritisci i pozicioni pritisci.    

           Sračunata obmana:

·         Lažne Činjenice - laganje u pregovorima je najčešća i najstarija obmana, razlog više da dobro poznajete govor tela. Imaćete priliku da sretenete ljude koji traže “naivčine” koje veruju svima; tako su početkom 90-tih nastale: piramidalne štedionice, u Srbiji Gazda Jezda, i slične pojave pretežno u zemljama Istočne Evrope (u tranzicionim komercijalnim  maglama). Ovde je svaki savet suvišan jedino što možete da uvek dobro proverite Činjenice, ne reagujete odmah i pratite govor tela, (ne izgovoreno a očigledno).

·         Nejasna ovlašćenja “ to je situacija kada vam pošalju nekoga ko nema dozvolu da donese bilo kakvu odluku, nego da “omekša ” vaše zahteve i ispita vaše stavove. Kasnije će tražiti još jedan sastanak, sa time da druga strana ulazi daleko spremnija u prave pregovore.

·         Sumnjive namere. Pregovori koji se vode da bi imali utisak da druga strana namerava da ispoštuje dogovor, ustvari radi se o kupovini vremena. Dobar primer je situacija koja se dešava u pregovorima oko Kosova.

        Psihološki rat (na nižem nivou )  :

·         Stresne situacije - Nekada se nastoji napraviti takvo okruženje koje vam stvara stres u pregovorima i tera vas na ishitrene odgovore, primeri su pregovori na tuđoj teritoriji u bučnoj i neuslovnoj prostriji i sl. Čim osetite preteran stres tokom pregovora nastojte da otkažete dalji tok i zakažete novi sastanak.

·         Lični napadi - koji imaju za cilj da vas nateraju da pobesnite i izgubite kompas. Ako mislite da ste odreagovali pametno i moralno kada ste se razbesnili i nagovorili se protivniku, grešite jer je on ostavrio svoj cilj da vas izbaci iz psihološke ravnoteže.

·         Dobar momak / Loš momak - policijska taktika, kombinacija dva tipa od kojih jedan deluje nerazumno i spreman na sve, a onda dolazi Dobri momak koji vam nudi “najpravedniji” dogovor, jer ne može ponuditi bolji dogovor od lošeg momka.

·         Pretnje se veoma često koriste u pregovorima, to je klasični primer psihološkog pritiska, obično se iza njih ne krije ništa jer “pas koji laje, ne ujeda”, naročito se ne obazirite na ljude koji puno i dugo prete.

                 Pozicioni pritisak:

·         Odbijanje pregovora Uporno odbijanje pregovora u početnoj fazi kako bi se isposlovali ustupci sa druge strane samo da se uđe u pregovore.

·         Ekstremni zahtevi  jedna od taktika koja se ponekad pokaže uspešna, kada vam neko u lice iznenada saopšti nerazumno visok zahtev kao uslov za početak pregovora, vaša ponuda bi mogla da završi daleko iznad realne.

·         Proširivanje zahteva  nikome nije problem da ispuni jednu malu uslugu, pa onda još jednu i još  jednu … pokušajte sabrati ukupnu cenu svih tih mali usluga pa ćete videti rezultat.

·         Taktika nepokolebljivosti  to su situacije kada će se suprotna strana žrtvovati bez obzira na cenu pregovora, možda će on izgubiti sve ali izgubićete i Vi. To je rizičan potez koji neće nikome doneti dobar ishod pregovora.

·         Tvrdokoran partner  čuvena situacija kada čujete izjavu tipa: "Ja bih rado prihvatio ponudu ali moja žena, (tašta), partner … neće, moraćete spustiti malo cenu"

·         Sračunato odlaganje  to je situacija kada se sve čini da se produže pregovori do pogodnog momenta za drugu stranu. Ponekada dok usaglasite dogovor o nekoj situaciji biće kasno za povoljan ishod za vas, to je taktika koju često koriste Štrajkači u firmama, svaki dan štrajka skupo košta upravu i štrajkači odlažu kraj štrajka dok ne ispune njihove uslove.

·         Uzmi ili ostavi - Čvrst stav koji se često pokaže kao uspešan, naročito ako vidite da druga strana nema izbora.




Human Urban network org. Situated in Belgrade , Serbia, Western Balkan region
Lauched  PsychoSocial &Trauma Counseling (outreach)
issue : to initiate multilevel and plural Public,Expert discussion on all aspect of psychosocial needs
conntact Center  mail : evadd@eunet.yu