ABOUT HUM. NGO:HumanUrban Net
Poverty reduction , human rights , education , social and
democratic devolopement programs.
Poverty is much more than hungry, unclothed children, aimless adults, sick and
eldery.The hidden poverty as it concerns large number of population
presents the most dangerous form.
In Serbia,
which is a country in a specific form of transition, more than 60% of population belongs to the category of hidden poor. During
the last decade, working population has been pushed to the black labor market, without any social rights.Even well educated
people has been marginal.The whole communities of ethnics minorities are excluded from society .
Crucial part in resolving
poverty issue, in our opinion is , spreading information about basic human rights and means how to overcome ignorance and
get more active involvement in a society. Equally important, is participation in civic and cultural politics, as participant
or consumer. Poverty should not be obstacle to deeper understanding and awareness of difference of well-being and survival
, statistical data , " pockets od poverty" in urban, suburban and rural environments in Serbia . We believe, that general
mobilization and participation is needed about these issues because they are interconnected. This is the main framework of
HUMAN URBAN NET activities.All available means should be applied : round table , seminars, educations , coordinaton with local
and national authorities, publications, innovative activities etc. We promote and support educational projects that affirm
large segments of population on this issues. HUMAN URBAN NET specially stresses creative activities which are promoting cultural
plurality by preserving original and unique heritage. Big part of our activities will be poverty reduction through basic IT
knowlege and english language education and involvement, especially marginal and vulnerable groups, in civic activity, and
spreading democratic constructive ideas . As basic human right we consider clear and adjusted possibilities for poor citizens
to be informed, consulted and interrogated about the best solutions . Whenever this is not the case , new circle of poverty
opens, its manifestations change, but the causes persist.
Access to information and education is the fastest lane
on the road to better society. HUMAN URBAN NET promotes all aspects of hi -tech, info -culture and new technologies. Actual
projecst are based on researching marginalized and excluded groups, vulnerable groups, children problems and family lifestyle.
HUMAN URBAN NET is highly interested in working together with all government and non- government organizations involved in
reducing poverty, affirmation of human rights, cultural and ecological topics in general.
Humano urbana mreza-Human
Urban Net
kada je stres jak |
Saznajni domen (misli, ideje)
Koncentrecija i pažnja
Nedovoljna koncentracija u teškim aktivnostima, čest gubitak pažnje.
Kapacitet memorije se smanjuje, kako u kratkom tako i u dugom vremenskom periodu.
Trenutne reakcije
Problemi koji zahtjevaju trenutnu i spontanu reakciju rješavaju se na nepredvidiv način.
Svi problemi koji zahtjevaju mentalnu aktivnost rješavaju se sa mnogo grešaka.
Procjena sadašnjosti i projekcija budućnosti
Čovjek nije u stanju da procjeni trenutnu situaciju i ne uspjeva da je projektuje u budućnost.
Logika i organizacija misli
Način razmišljanja ne slijedi logične, povezane šeme, ne poštuje red, već
se iskazuje na neorganizovan način.
Oblast osećanja
sa emocionalnim i fizičkim opuštanjem.
Osim stvarne
fizičke neuravnoteženosti, čovjek počinje da sumnja u postojanje drugih bolesti.
Lične karakteristike
nestrpljivosti, netolerancije, autoriteta i manjak razumjevanja prema drugima.
i etički principi koji oblikuju život pojedinca slabe, a samosavlađivanje opada.
Depresija i obeshrabrenje
Povećava se obeshrabrenje, a smanjuje
želja za životom.
Oblast ponašanja
tečne komunikacije, mucanje, smanjanje rečitosti
volje i oduševljenja za hobije ili omiljene stvari
sa posla, škole, fakulteta
potrošnje alkohola, duvana, kafe i drugih droga
Nivo energije
se menja iz dana u dan, ali je u globalu nizak.
San je
poremećen.Osoba uglavnom pati od nesanice, a s vremena na vreme pokazuje ekstremnu potrebu za snom.
Osoba postaje
sumnjičava, okrivljuje druge.Odgovornost prepušta drugima.
Promene u ponašanju
se čudne reakcije nesvojstvene određenom pojedincu.
se ideja o samoubistvu, a ponekad i pokušaji da se sprovede u delo.
Osoba sebe
smatra slabom i nesposobnom.
Saznajna aktivnost |
Osoba pod stresom može da uveća svoju moć zapažanja, pamćenja, razuma i rasuđivanja,
ali u ograničenom vremenskom razdoblju.Ako napetost dugo traje dolazi do opadanja ovih mogućnosti.U tom trenutku
pojavljuju se teškoće na nivou saznajnih ili intelektualnih sposobnosti. | |

Difficulty: Moderate
While some stress is actually necessary for you to function at your best, too much takes a mental and physical
toll. Learn to manage stress levels to prevent anxiety, depression and other conditions.
Instructions STEP 1: Write down everything you have to do when you're feeling overwhelmed. Set a time frame, then block
out when you will accomplish what. By divvying up your workload into manageable chunks, each with an allotted time, you'll
feel more relaxed about the work before you.
STEP 2: Concentrate on one task at a time. Stressing about work you haven't done yet only detracts from
accomplishing the task at hand.
STEP 3: Manage your energies wisely ' prioritize your workload and put in less effort for low-priority jobs,
and avoid expending energy on unimportant tasks. STEP 4: Delegate responsibility and get outside help if you feel overwhelmed.
Hire a gardener for your lawn or a baby sitter for your child when you feel pressed for time. STEP 5: Reward yourself
for accomplishing things. Acknowledge the work you put in and give yourself a pat on the back, instead of immediately rushing
into the next task and creating more stress. STEP 6: Take small breaks during work. Visit a nearby café or take a quick
walk, or allow yourself 10 minutes to relax in your office: Close your eyes, strip your mind of work-related thoughts, visualize
a pleasant landscape or vacation scene and relax your muscles. STEP 7: Exercise regularly to maintain your health and
release stress, or take up a hobby. STEP 8: Give yourself vacations. If indulging in a long vacation (and staying away
from work) seems even more stressful, try taking several short vacations per year. STEP 9: Maintain your perspective by
asking yourself
Say no:
Overcommitment on the job can be draining. If you're absolutely strapped, learn to say no to supervisors
who suggest more projects, potential clients who want your services, or colleagues who ask for favors you can't possibly give. Instructions
STEP 1: Recognize that you have the right to refuse a request. STEP 2: Say no politely but directly and firmly. If
you cannot offer help, don't mislead the person by hedging with "maybe" or "I'll think about it." STEP 3: Offer to help
the person in another way that is more feasible for you, if you can. STEP 4: Ask if a deadline can be extended, if time
constraints are the problem.
Tips & Warnings You don't have to provide
a reason for saying no. Offering a reason might only encourage the asker to challenge your reason and ask again ' leading
to more discussion and trouble than you anticipated. It becomes easier to say no the more often you say it. Think
about why you are unwilling to say no. Do you fear anger or rejection from others? Are you reluctant to say no because you
like feeling indispensable?