O Humano Urbanoj Mrezi na TV Pancevu
Emisija "Kod Stanka -O Suicidu"
COACHING (Charles Bentley PhD, the founder of Unitive )
Asocijacije PSIHOTERAPEUTA Amerike u LosAng.1999 Cije zakljucke je prihvatila EU Asocijacija EATA 2001 u Rimu
koji se odnosi na koriscenje i upotrebu novih Informacionih i drugih naucnih dostignuca u Psihoterapiji
dokument je u Arhivi ITAA za 1999god./ili EATA 2001 god.)
Article 2B and the Information Technology Industry
A large share of the
transactions in the information technology industry will be subject to proposed Article 2B. Members may receive software or
information as customer or they may license these as producers. While Article 2B is supposed to codify existing business practices,
in some instances it may change these or may prefer one of several different practices. In general, Article 2B is supposed
to provide only default rules, i.e., rules for use whenever there is no agreement on specific terms. In some instances, Article
2B may limit the ability of parties to agree to particular terms or may require that the parties take certain steps be taken
to make certain terms enforceable. Article 2B will have a number of rules that will be of importance to ITAA’s members
in their businesses. Just a few of the key issues for the Drafting Committee:
shrink-wrap licenses to be permitted?
Article 2B would formally approve the use of so-called shrink-wrap
licenses. The shrink-wrap license is critical to producers who wish to restrict their customers’ use of their products
while still maintaining mass market distribution. The present draft upholds shrink-wrap licenses.
Are shrink-wrap license terms
to be controlled? Consumer critics say that the drafting committee
should regulate the terms that producers may include in shrink-wrap licenses and even should exclude some terms altogether.
Others, it should at least required be placed in conspicuous type on the face of the package. So far, the Committee has imposed
few limitations on the terms that producers may include in shrink-wrap licenses. The most important limitation: terms may
not be unconscionable. As a result or a permissive shrink-wrap policy, not only consumers, but business customers as might
well might confront obligations that they find unacceptable:
- Limitations of liability.
The software bought to back-up the customer’s hard drive instead erases it. Thanks to a shrink-wrap license, the customer
might be able only get its purchase price back.
- Choice of arbitration. When
the customer seeks to sue, the shrink-wrap license requires arbitration before a panel sponsored by a software producers’
- Choice of forum. The shrink-wrap
license requires that the arbitration take place in Europe.
If you use a shrink-wrap license,
must you pay for returns? The drafting committee has considered an ABA proposal to lessen the
hardship for shrink-wrap licenses by giving customers extensive return rights, including requiring vendors to pay the costs
of return.
Are use restrictions to be permitted? Licenses of information and software often limit tightly how many people may
use licensed products, how long customers may use them, to whom customers may disclose them, whether customers may "reverse-engineer"
products, and so on. The drafting committee has rejected proposals that would have said that license restrictions can not
be more onerous than copyright law’s fair-use doctrine would permit. Some critics have suggested that this could lead
to a nightmare scenario where all information would be licensed subject to restrictions and free sales would disappear.
What warranties
would there be? UCC Article 2 provides that all goods
sold automatically come with an implied warranty of merchantability. The proposed Article 2B recognizes that in the field
of information, such a requirement would cause an unacceptable and unwise disruption of the free flow of information. Other
than in transactions in so-called published information content, will be implied warranties will continue to exist, as will
express warranties. It is the drafting committee’s job to determine the content and application of these warranties.
Pusenje 90% uzrok enfizema pluca, koji je neizleciva i mucna bolest
What is "emphysema"?
Emphysema is
a disorder where the lung loses its elasticity. We have muscles that will allow us to inhale, but we have no muscles that
will allow us to exhale. When you develop emphysema you can pull the air in OK but you can't get rid of it. So you lungs get
bigger and bigger and bigger and then they lose their elasticity and then along with that the airways collapse much sooner
through expiration, trapping old dirty air in your lungs, and then the alveolar sacks begin to collapse together. So where
you used to have a thousand little tiny ones with lots of surface area you now have one big one that has a mere fraction of
the surface area available to it in order to exchange oxygen with carbon dioxide. And one might happily, if i can be so forward
to say that, be willing to die of lung cancer if they could avoid year after year after year of slowly getting more and more
short of breath. It is a terrible disease and its terribly debilitating and its very, very difficult to keep the patient comfortable
and productive as year after year they get more and more short of breath.
Are there causes for emphysema
besides smoking?
Yes, there
are. Like I say, there's an inherited form and there are other inhaled substances that can cause a form of emphysema, but
they make up a very small fraction of the total patients with emphysema when compared with the number of patients who develop
emphysema from smoking.
What are the symptoms of
Signs and symptoms
of emphysema are progressive shortness of breath especially with exercise. You can start to develop Carpal Manali where the
right heart starts to fail because it has to pump blood into the lungs under increasing pressure. So, you get ankle swelling,
you can get some chest pain associated with that, but by in large the most difficult problem that an emphysema encounters
early on is the fact that he can't walk across the room like he use to without being short of breath. He can't go outside
and throw a baseball for his grandkids. He can't go out and pull weeds. Bending over to tie his shoes is so difficult because
it presents for shortness of breath.
How is emphysema diagnosed?
Emphysema can
be diagnosed with pulmonary function testing, a chest x-ray will become abnormal early on, and blood gasses will help you
with that diagnosis. But primarily, pulmonary function testing, blood gasses, and chest x-rays.
What are the treatments
for emphysema?
Treatment for
emphysema includes oxygen, yearly flu shots, bronchodilators, the inhaled medications. Pulmonary rehab can be very effective
in helping these people in their quality of life. Sometimes the use of inhaled steroids can be of help to these patients.
Can emphysema be cured?
Emphysema cannot
be cured. Once you have emphysema you are stuck with it. What you can do is you can slow down the effects of emphysema, the
bad effects, and the sooner you stop smoking the sooner you're going to get a chance to turn some of this around. Emphysema
is a slow progression towards dying.
Do you have comments or questions on our organization? Would you like to become a member or sign up for an upcoming event?
Please get in touch!
Just click this address to send us e-mail:
Name: Human Urban Net >>Humano Urbana Mreza-Beograd Poverty Reduction , achieving wellness in Serbia
Omladinskih brigada; 11 070 New Belgrade office
Or you can give us a call at SERBIA

Click on Web adress LIfe Coach---- I
Support for vulnerable groups : minorities, gender issue, violence in families, psycho-sociological supports
Perhaps the most eloquent description of this process
can be found in the poem by J. L. Moreno, the creator of Psychodrama.
"Hitler speaks: This is
my prayer, oh God: Give me the power to kill. Let me destroy one half of mankind and let me build the other half for the
future. It will be a healthier world, a rejuvenated world. The world will be vastly better if only the superior will
survive. They know how to worship you. I shall first reduce in number or destroy the lower breeds of men; the Negroes,
the yellow people, the gypsies, the Jews. Give me the power to kill the lower breeds, the eternal bastards of your creation.
speaks: I return to you in prayer, because I am in doubt. Give me the power to kill more. One half of mankind is not
enough. May I destroy perhaps, two thirds of it? I know now that I must reduce in number or destroy the Slavs, the Poles,
the Czechs, the Turks and many other breeds that stand in the way of your glory. God! Give Me the Power!
He speaks
again: I turn again to you, oh God. Again I am in doubt. There are still more races and breeds of men who should perish
from the face of the earth if the world would be after Thy image. Give me the power to kill all who are not worthy of You. Now
I know that there are Anglo-Saxon tribes, and even Germanic tribes which should perish. And as I look closer, oh God, there
are people even in my own house; men around me who are not worthy of living. Give me the power to destroy all of them!
speaks once more: This is my prayer, oh God. I return in prayer to you. For the last time this is my prayer. This
is my last prayer: May all beings perish. You and I are now alone. We share the world, and as I think it to the
end, I could not bear a God above me. Give me then, oh God, the power to destroy you" (Moreno. 1969)
